Unlock Code Ever Cross X7

Dapat Kasus Ever Cross X7  lupa Password, sukses dengan usb dari jig yang dimodifikasi dengan tools piranha...Oiya chipsetnya Spedtrum 6531A. Tidak perlu melakukan format, cukup dengan read info maka akan dapat diketahui code passwordnya..

Searching USB to Serial Port...
None SU2Serial Port.
1.Please Make sure install the driver
2.The Phone may be required to read and write keys
3.Pulled low may not, manually set.
Searching USB to Serial Port...
None SU2Serial Port.
1.Please Make sure install the driver
2.The Phone may be required to read and write keys
3.Pulled low may not, manually set.
Searching USB to Serial Port...
SU2Serial Port: COM15
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Infor: SPRD3
Initialize boot13...
BootLoad Error. ID: 3271
Searching USB to Serial Port...
SU2Serial Port: COM15
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Open port error, Port is occupied or non-existent
Please RePower on & off
Searching USB to Serial Port...
SU2Serial Port: COM15
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Infor: SPRD3
Initialize boot9...
CPU    type: 6531A
Flash  type: NOR
reading Flash,Please Wait...
Read Completed.
File save to: C:\Documents and Settings\QPonsel\My Documents\ever cross x7 cipset 6531A_MX25U6435E.bin
Searching USB to Serial Port...
SU2Serial Port: COM15
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Please RePower on & off
Searching USB to Serial Port...
SU2Serial Port: COM15
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Infor: SPRD3
Initialize boot9...
CPU    type: 6531A
Flash  type: NOR
Being analyzed,Wait...
IMEI1 :356462052283225
IMEI2 :356462052283233
IMEI3 :358570010103893
IMEI4 :910575601400468
Screen lock: 1224
Unlock  Code: 3991
Privacy  Code: 0000
Unkown Error